3.2 Logon using a smart card and PIN

The usual way to log on to MyID is using a card (a smart card, USB token, or VSC). A PIN is issued to the holder of the card, and the card and PIN together authenticate the holder to MyID.

The requirements for the PIN are specified as part of the credential profile (see section 11, Managing credential profiles) or by the token manufacturer. The actual value is set when the card or token is issued.

Note: To log on with a smart card and PIN, you do not need to make any changes to the default settings.

If you have previously changed the settings, you need to change them back:

  1. From the Configuration category, select Security Settings.
  2. On the Logon Mechanisms tab, make sure that Smart Card Logon is set to Yes.
  3. Click Save changes.
  4. In the Edit Roles workflow, make sure the user's role has the Smart Card logon mechanism assigned.

See section 4.1.5, Assigning logon mechanisms for details of using the Edit Roles workflow.

3.2.1 Smart card states

The color and icon used on the Smart Card Logon tab tell you the state of the card inserted in the card reader.

Valid card ready to be used for logon:

Locked card:

Card ready for activation:

Invalid card: